Quake ii ground zero
Quake ii ground zero


This is implied to be the fate of those who go all the way through the Stroggification process by a coroner examining one of the Strogg corpses, although eventually all higher brain function atrophies leaving an empty shell with no individual will left, up to that point though the victim is aware of his actions but unable to control them.Anatomy Arsenal: Many of the Strogg have had their limbs replaced with assorted weaponry.


  • All There in the Manual: Details about the game's backstory, the Stroggos' background and a lot of info can be found on the HTML manuals which come with the game.
  • Its story was continued by Quake IV and Enemy Territory Quake Wars. Two mission packs, which followed the same storylines as the original game, were released as well: Quake II: Ground Zero by Rogue Entertainment and Quake II: The Reckoning by Xatrix Entertainment.įollowed by Quake III Arena. Nowadays, Quake II is much more fondly remembered for its technical advancements and engaging multi-player mode than its single-player mode. However, in retrospect, Quake II is considered one of Id Software's weakest single-player games, being the first game created after John Romero's departure and lacking much of the creativity that made Doom and Quake household names, in stark contrast to Romero's own Daikatana, a game that failed for the exact opposite reason. The technical improvements here were impressive at the time, with colored lighting, higher resolution, smoother graphics and bigger levels that, alongside Unreal, spurred the widespread adoption of early hardware 3D accelerators.

    quake ii ground zero

    Each Unit has up to seven levels, interconnected among them, so players could go from one level to the other and vice-versa, until they hit that unit's exit. The levels in the game and the expansions are divided into several chapters, called Units. It gave the player clear tactical goals, making their way systematically through the city and shutting down the enemy's military infrastructure and its leader. The player must go across several cities and areas of the Strogg planet in order to cause the most harm as possible. It was Id's first FPS with a real story, about Earth launching a counter-attack on the homeworld of the vicious Strogg, said operation called "Operation Alien Overlord", who were kidnapping humans for meat and body parts. The game was a sequel In Name Only, originally developed as an all-new original IP before having the Quake name attached to it, for better or worse. Quake II, the follow-up to Quake, was released in 1997. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.

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  • Quake ii ground zero